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Vol. 8. Issue 4.
Pages 311-314 (January 1997)
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Vol. 8. Issue 4.
Pages 311-314 (January 1997)
Hemorragia subaracnoidea recurrente como causa de quiste aracnoideo espinal sintomático
Symptomatic spinal arachnoid cyst developing after recurrent subarachnoid hemorrhage
L.E. Gómez Perals, J.M. Cabezudo Artero, L. Lorenzana Honrado, I. Fernández Portales
Servicio de Neurocirugía. Hospital Regional Universitario Infanta Cristina. Badajoz
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Aunque el sangrado subaracnoideo espontáneo es una causa conocida de aracnoiditis espinal crónica, muy pocos son los casos sintomáticos descritos. Menos frecuente aún es el desarrollo de quistes aracnoideos espinales. Presentamos el caso de una paciente intervenida de un aneurisma de la arteria cerebelosa posteroinferior que presentó un cuadro diferido de ciática y alteraciones esfinterianas, demostrando la resonancia magnética la existencia de un quiste aracnoideo dorsolumbar que fue tratado mediante derivación lumboperitoneal con resolución de la sintomatología. Se revisa la literatura y se discuten la patogenia e indicaciones quirúrgicas.

Palabras Clave:
Aracnoiditis espinal
Hemorragia subaracnoidea
Quiste aracnoideo

Although spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage is a well known cause of chronic spinal arachnoiditis, reports of symptomatic cases are very rare. Spinal arachnoid cysts of this etiology are even more infrequent. We describe the case of a 22 year-old woman with an aneurysm of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery in whom a syndrom of sciatica and urinary disturbances developed after she was operated on. The MRI showed a dorsolumbar arachnoid cyst. All symptoms dissapeared after a cyst-peritoneal shunt was placedo We review the literature and discuss the posible factors that contribute to formation of spinal arachnoid cysts after subarachnoid hemorrhage as well as the indications for surgical treatment.

Key words:
Spinal arachnoiditis
Arachnoid cyst
Subarachnoid hemorrhage


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