Las hernias discales intradurales son infrecuentes y excepcionalmente aparecen en región cervical. Se revisan ocho casos de la literatura aportando otro nuevo correspondiente a un varón de 64 años, que de forma súbita presenta radioculopatía seguida de un cuadro de hemisección medular.
El diagnóstico TC, mieloTC y RM asociado a la gravedad del cuadro clínico debe hacernos sospechar esta patología.
El tratamiento es la exéresis del material discal herniado, proponiéndose el abordaje anterior.
Intradural intervertebral disc rupture is a rare event, and it is excepcional in the cervical spine. Only eight cases of intradural cervical disc herniation have been reported.
These patients usually show neurologic deficits more severe than those found in cases with extradtiral disc herniations. Acute radiculopathy associated with spinal cord compression is the typical clinical picture.
The association of severe radicular pain and neurological deficit, and the CT, myeloCT and/or MRI findings, should rise the suspicion of an intradural disc herniation. An anterior surgical approach is the best one for removing the intradural disc fragments.
The case of a patient with an intradural disc herniation at C4-C5 level is reported and the literature is reviewed.
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