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Vol. 9. Issue 4.
Pages 326-331 (January 1998)
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Vol. 9. Issue 4.
Pages 326-331 (January 1998)
Teratoma maligno cerebral com áreas de coriocarcinoma
Intracranial teratoma with choriocarcinoma features
J. Gonçalves, T. Fernandes
Departamento de Radioterapia do IPOFG, Centro do Porto
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Los tumors de células germinativas constituyem menos de 1% de los tumors cerebrales primários11

Los teratomas de localizacion cerebral son raros, contituyendo 0,5% de la totalidad. Su incidência aumenta para 2% en niños con edades inferiores a los 15 años1.

Su localizacion más frequente és en la região pineal. Otros locais de la linea média incluyen la region supra-selar, fossa pituitáreia e 4° ventrículo1.

Los autors describieron un caso clínico de teratoma cerebral con zonas de coriocarcinoma en una mujer de 38 años, tratada com cirurgia e radioterapia.

Palabras clave:
Teratoma cerebral
Tumors de células germinativas

Germ cell tumors repsent less than 1% of primary brain tumors11.

Primary intracranial teratomas are rare, constituing about 0,5% of all teratomas.

However, this incidence increases to 2% in children younger than 15 years old1.

The pineal body is the most common site. Other midline sites include the suprasellar region, pituitary fossa and the region of the fourth ventricle1.

The authors report a case of intracranial teratoma with areas of choriocarcinoma in a 38 years old woman, treated with surgery and radiotherapy.

Key words:
Intracranial teratoma
Germ-cell tumors


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