Con el fin de determinar su posible valor localizador se han analizado las respuestas motoras y sensitivas obtenidas mediante la estimulación eléctrica monopolar a nivel del cuadrante anterolateral de la médula cervical, el techo mesencefálico, el tálamo ventrolateral y el brazo posterior de la cápsula interna en 42 pacientes sometidos a lesión antiálgica o antitremórica, o bien a estimulación eléctrica crónica terapéutica.
We have analyzed the motor and sensory responses obtained by monopolar electrical stimulation of the anterolateral cervical spinal cord, the dorsal mesencephalon, the ventrolateral thalamus and the posterior arm of the internal capsule in 42 patients treated from chronic pain syndromes or tremor by stereotaxis methods.
The most common and characteristic response observed at all these levels was a sensory response by the patients as electric shock or pins and needles sensation. The reproduction of these responses which are elicited with 50Hz (frequency) and 0.1–2.5 vol may be used to improve target localization in functional neurosurgery.
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