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Case Report
Intracerebral abscess: A rare complication of deep brain stimulation
Absceso intracerebral: una rara complicación de la estimulación cerebral profunda
Eva Brandãoa,
Corresponding author

Corresponding author at: Serviço de Neurologia, Hospital S. Sebastião, Rua Dr. Candido de Pinho, 4520-211, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal.
, Maria José Rosasb, Pedro Abreub, Paulo Linharesc,d, Rui Vazc,d
a Department of Neurology, Hospital de S. Sebastião, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal
b Department of Neurology, Hospital de S.João, Porto, Portugal
c Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital de S.João, Porto, Portugal
d Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


This article is available in English

Intracerebral abscess: A rare complication of deep brain stimulation

Eva Brandão, Maria José Rosas, Pedro Abreu, Paulo Linhares, Rui Vaz
Neurocirugia. 2013;24:33-6
Neurocirugía (English edition)
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